
The Morgan's Embryo Transfer To Be Aired On ABC Nightline

Advocacy Work Pays Off

The dKol la femme Project’s Upcoming Media Coverage

We have some pretty exciting “news'“ to share with you all.

Back in 2017 Kerri & Chris Morgan came to la femme knowing that their journey to become parents was a topic that needed attention and support. I will let Kerri’s blog fill you in on all the details on infertility, IVF and ultimately their decision to adopt two embryos. Kerri and I had known each other for a few years and she knew that la femme was blossoming into a nonprofit. She has been a sounding board and an advocate all wrapped into one, she knows all the intimate details to our mission and our dream to make la femme a platform for tough topics that need to be heard.

I began documenting their journey in 2017. Since we knew there would be multiple updates and layers to their story, we decided to make their story one ongoing blog entry filled with photos, observations and emotions. Kerri began blogging her journey to best be able to express their emotions and hardships of all that goes into becoming parents. Her goal was twofold, to allow her friends and family to hear her truth, while asking for respect in their own rendition of baby making, as well as, to give insight to likeminded couples trying to become parents.

I cannot even count the amount of times Kerri told me that she has this desire to let others not feel so isolated in their trek through the emotional peaks & valleys, and often times daunting process. Much like most things in life, we don’t know the outcomes, life doesn’t always go as planned and we have one choice and that’s to flow into whatever we’re faced with. I’ve watched the emotional roller coaster first hand. But, I also saw them research every. single. aspect. of fertility, infertility, procedures, test results, marginal swings of what increases/decreases their odds, wrote in to every imaginable support group, challenged nurses, doctors and clinics to up their game. The advocacy work that they continue to do is unbelievably admirable.

See where I’m going?

Well in January of 2018 Kerri got a call from a producer at ABC News. They read our blogs and wanted to document alongside of us. Since that call, the crew was able to document their second successful transfer, interview them throughout their pregnancy, and met their son days after they gave birth.

In recent conversations, Kerri and I were reflecting back on it all and she shared with me an extremely touching sentiment. She told me that they leaned into la femme knowing that it gave her the confidence that she wanted/needed to tell her story. “la femme has helped me heal and advocate while bringing awareness to a bigger story than my own.”

And just like that, we receive validation that our work here is important. To our participants and to our community we are proud to say that you played a role in getting our message heard.

The producer informed us that a teaser of their documentary will be aired on Thursday’s Nightline at 12:30am (3.28.19). As we all know, schedules can go awry, so lean into the flow with us. Check back on social media for links for updates.

*UPDATE 3.29.19

Here is the ABC Nightline Documentary. Click the image:

Modern Baby: 'Is My Body Just Not Made To Be Pregnant?' Couples Tackle Infertility With IVF; Will They Be Parents? Three Women Find Out If They Will Be MothersPhoto Courtesy: The dKol la femme Project- Brian Luke Morgan under the care of Dr. Daniel …

Modern Baby: 'Is My Body Just Not Made To Be Pregnant?' Couples Tackle Infertility With IVF; Will They Be Parents? Three Women Find Out If They Will Be Mothers

Photo Courtesy: The dKol la femme Project- Brian Luke Morgan under the care of Dr. Daniel Perkes


Filming from their second embryo transfer on 5.18.18 under the care of Dr. Daniel Levine of Hudson Valley Fertility.

 The dkol la femme Project is a platform created to give a voice to you and your unique struggles by telling your story through art. la femme is where vulnerability meets liberation. What is confidence and empowerment to you? What is VULNERABILITY, and how does it affect you? You, as in the generalized you, the one that isn’t gender specific, or defined by your struggle or labeled by medication. OR maybe you are and want to advocate so your story is heard (insert dKol la femme). At la femme you are allowed to free yourself of the need for perfection. Here you will evoke your self-confidence and take pause so you can reflect on your soul.

Be heard through #thedkollafemmeproject