
Posts tagged Trisha Hughes
Guest Artist: Trisha Hughes of Medicated Like Me

The road to vulnerability is a long one. Not static. Not easy. Not without cost. Not without the brilliant dichotomy of beauty & tragedy. The shedding of skin. Transformation. Losing oneself to an identity you may have spent years building & the subsequent unexpected grief that accompanies that loss. As the former you clings, wails, weeps & gnashes her teeth, desperate to subdue the old you. You are no longer her. You cannot be. But the new you, this brittle, damp, weakling who startles at most everything, can this really be you?

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Inspired by: Trisha Hughes

Social media sometimes allows us to connect with people that we’ve never met before and sometimes those people provide a sense of companionship that even “the authors” don’t even realize how largely they’ve impacted others. With the right platform we are able to reach the masses and provide comfort in what sometimes feels so isolating.

Trisha Hughes is that person for me. And here’s a little bit on as to why.

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