Events & Merch
We have been busy in the community the last few months and have several upcoming events planned over the next two months. So we wanted to jump on and give the blog some love and update ya’ll. July and August we participated in First Friday Poughkeepsie and met SO many amazing members of our community. Between our stellar booth set up and awesome help we managed to really get our mission out into the world. From passerbys being interested in the messages and photography, to other organizations and non-profits stopping in to introduce themselves and find likemindedness in our cause, to simply hearing “me too, I struggle similarly” with many of our messages posted around the booth and on our brand new merchandise. We now are offering a variety of messages and styled shirts, not only at our events, but we are stoked to tell you all that we now have an only store as well!
You can find us out and about:
Sunday, September 29 at the Out of Darkness/Ulster County Walk for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at Walkway Over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie.
Friday, October 4 at 5pm for the Family Services 9th Annusal Walk A Mile in Her Shoes/First Friday Event at Dongan Place in Poughkeepsie.
Hope to see you out there!!
xo-d & Kay
Kay & Danielle at First Friday Walkway Over the Hudson, Poughkeepsie, NY
Puppy Duke with his Anxiety Is No Joke shirt
Our team of volunteers (a special thank you to the Associates in Action from Kohl’s Wappingers Falls, NY