
dKol and Anxiety


I can remember writing this journal page vividly. My hope was if I could see the patterns of the spiraling down, I could grab ahold of the signs and triggers of the isolation I was feeling. It took a long while before I could begin creating a plan to dig myself out of the recycled patterns of the darkness I was living in. As much as I tried to avoid labels, it actually made it bearable to know that ANXIETY is a real thing. I swore if I wrote it down, that I could will enough courage to actually stop the noise in my head that tried to keep me trapped. And because of these very days, I swore I would make it a point to make sure to share my darkness with others, because if you too relate, we're in this together. This project is about supporting the community. Visualize us extending our hand to you, saying you are not alone.


Be heard at #thedkollafemmeproject ⠀⠀⠀