
Posts tagged fear
Pregnant During A Pandemic


Really? I mean they say when you make plans the universe laughs, but a pandemic? I mean, come on.

Anxiety has been something I have struggled with my entire life. In recent years it’s gotten worse. Most days it’s very manageable .. aside from the darker days. But right now, all I feel is anxiety. It is rushing back like a wave in the middle of an ocean during a tornado and I am the little lifebuoy that doesn’t stand a chance.

This time is extremely stressful and scary for everyone (especially those who work on the front line who I THANK endlessly everyday).

But, I am pregnant.

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dKol and Anxiety

I can remember writing this journal page vividly. My hope was if I could see the patterns of the spiraling down, I could grab ahold of the signs and triggers of the isolation I was feeling. It took a long while before I could begin creating a plan to dig myself out of the recycled patterns of the darkness I was living in.

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